• 519-853-0110
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Learn to Curl & Next Steps

If you are interested in curling and want to see what it's all about, our Learn to Curl 8 week program is perfect for you!

Our Learn to Curl (LTC) classes are on-ice sessions where we teach you the basics of curling (delivery, sweeping, scoring) and then play 2-3 full ends so you can see how it feels to play a game. We have all the equipment required to participate. We ask that you dress warm (in layers) and wear rubber soled tennis shoes. Our minimum age to participate is 15 years old and we require a parent or legal guardian be present to fill out the youth waiver and stay during the entire LTC for all minors. Ages 16 and under are required to wear head protection.

Our Next Steps program is geared towards the evolution of what you've learned to date. It's the tools techniques and some additional knowledge to bring you from newbie to productive team curler faster. We'll cover everything from nailing that line, judging and throwing proper weight, to advanced sweeping, and curling strategy.  

Registration for our programs can be found under our Event Registrations page.


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  • Mar
    Club Closed - Rental
    09:00 AM

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Contact Info

Acton Curling Club
242 Churchill Road North
Acton, Ontario, L7J 2M2
Phone: 519-853-0110 
Email: [email protected] 

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